Processing Fundamentals

Operating systems and memory management

⤳ In the previous chapter, we discussed how the OS and the CPU team up to make multitasking possible. In this post, I’ll continue our discussion with an important OS concept: Memory management. Let’s begin. Any limited resource needs resource management, and the main memory is no exception. ...

⌛ 6 min read

Operating systems and multitasking

⤳ In this chapter, I’ll continue the series with another important OS concept, Multitasking. Multitasking* is a common feature of modern operating systems, which involves switching between processes, to ensure each process will get a slice of the CPU’s time in a given period of time. To ...

⌛ 14 min read

How CPU works?

⤳ In this chapter, I’ll cover how the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes the instructions of a computer program. Central Processing Unit*, known as the CPU is where the execution of instructions happens. The CPU is the brain of your computer and interacts with the memory (RAM) over the system ...

⌛ 10 min read

How a computer program works

⤳ A computer program is a sequence of instructions for a computer to do a particular task. A task can be a simple as calculating a simple value or something more sophisticated, like playing music or browsing the web. All computer programs work in the same way; they ...

⌛ 13 min read
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